The Lady's Monthly Museum

$9.00 $15.00

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The Lady's Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction: Being an assemblage of whatever can tend to please the Fancy interest the Mind or exalt the Character of The British Fair.    By A Society of Ladies

As the new century unfolded, the Lady's Monthly Museum sought to address all aspects of the fairer sex's life. Within its pages you'd find poetry, romance, receipts, manners, fashion, and even thoughts on the politics of the day.  These wonderful reproductions of The Lady's Monthly Museum cover the months of May and December, 1800, and are complete-including their colored fashion plates.  Wonderful to read and suitable for events, historic settings etc. We hope you will enjoy this little nugget from our collection!

  • For you "history of print"  aficionados, you will note in the May issue that the long "s" (or f shaped "s") is still being used, but in December, it has been replaced by the "s" we know today! 

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Month: May